Retail Spot Loader


About Us

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Today’s businesses need a reliable technology platform to provide customers a great interactive experience with their favorite brands. Retail Spot’s primary focus is to design a Point of Sale(POS) system which makes it easier for the businesses to manage their stores/shops and provide a flawless experience to their customers.

Retail Spot is a great tool for customer retention, with its built-in CRM tools that let you target your marketing more precisely—and successfully. Its POS system can be expanded upon to suit your requirements. Our POS system makes order taking and processing smooth and easy.

Maybe you have a large organization with two, three or four levels of management and staff all needing different permissions. We can do that. Powerful enough to manage your entire business.

Meet the Team

The best formula for great business is its people!

  • Bea Mine

  • Dave Allippa

  • Polly Pipe

  • Adrian Bell

  • Warren Hemmings

  • Lily Davies

  • Ruth Davidson

  • Wendy Parr

  • Yvonne Metcalfe

  • Trevor Wilson

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